Mark Pheely brand mark of intersecting circles and infinity symbol
shelf with buddha and candle
Mark sitting meditating with hands on heart

Philosophical Foundations of the Teachings

At the absolute heart of the teachings is the jewel of Unconditional Loving Awareness. This pristine state of profound Heart Wisdom is available to us all at any time. We were born with it and somehow through the process of social engineering, we lost contact with it and therefore our higher selves. 

When this connection to the sacred is severed, most of us feel it as a deep longing for connection, contentment, love and purpose. Something always seems to be missing, yet we don't quite know what. We long to be seen and loved for exactly who we are, not some imaginary version of ourselves to show the world that we are ok.

So to fill the void we get busy, thinking that the happiness we seek is just always over the horizon. We look for it in careers, relationships, money, social media, addictions and possessions. But nothing ever seems to be lasting. So we try harder, and harder and harder until eventually we collapse, disillusioned and lost.

What if I told you that the answer to real contentment was at your fingertips, right now, patiently waiting for you? All we need to do is turn back towards that which you already are, that which was lost in time.

These simple, accessible and direct teachings emanate from an incredible blend of ancient Yoga, Zen, Buddhism, Christianity, Taoism and Non Duality. 

All that is required from you is a burning desire to know the truth of who you are and be prepared to make this a priority in your life. In the world today, nothing is more valuable than Living Consciously from Heart Wisdom. 

Deep inside, most of us intuitively know this already. This reconnection to consciousness leads us home to timeless and unwavering peace, contentment, compassion, connection, clarity and love. 

This is the place where we “Know Thyself”. This is our True Essence. 

If these themes resonate, you are invited to explore them further through;

singing bowl
Mark sitting cross legged with singing bowls
forest trees in mist

“Today, be gentle with yourself, and watch that gentleness flow to all beings.”

— Mark Pheely