Mark sitting cross legged practicing alternate nostril breathing
mans arm with ganesha tattoo
singing bowl and bell

Coming Soon

Online Yoga

Specialising in Yin Yoga and Meditation, online yoga classes will soon be available through our members area.

Practice with Mark from home

Sometimes we all just want to practice in the privacy of our own homes and get a little more intimate with the quietness in our own hearts. Online Yoga and Meditation at home can be a true blessing on those days.

Here, Mark will offer his signature Yin Yoga classes and Conscious Meditation practices, available via monthly membership subscription. Once subscribed you will have unlimited access to the library of classes and meditations 24/7.

Over time we will continue to add to the number and variety of offerings. 

If you have something you love please let us know and we will do our best to include it!

Yoga chitta vrtti nirodhah.

The purpose of yoga is to reconnect you to your natural state of being and there you remain unperturbed by the fluctuations of the mind.”

— Patanjali, Yoga Sutra 1.2